Originally Desborough Mission Hall, then Eastleigh Congregational Church until becoming Emmanuel in 1933. It is remembered by some as Sunshine Corner, a name we are proud to have recycled!
Welcome to Emmanuel
A mainstream Baptist church
We are delighted you have found our site but we’d also love it if you could join us in person. While not yet a big church, Emmanuel is a great place to come, and you will find a welcome here.
Please read our About Emmanuel pages, then use the Find Us page to make sure you don’t get lost on your way to us!
To know more of God; to be freer and deeper in our worship; to be closer to each other and to introduce other people to the good news that they too can enjoy life in Christ.
The word of God is at the centre of all we do at Emmanuel, so here is a verse or two from the Bible for you for today, or you can search the Bible for yourself below that.
With grateful thanks to christianity.com. To see the archive of Daily Bible Verses click here
Enter a keyword or Bible reference
(Such as John–3:16 or Ps–23) in the box:
Emmanuel will not knowingly include links to unsuitable external sites, but we are not responsible for any one else’s web pages so parental guidance and personal care will still be needed.